Our Artisans

Meet the Makers

At our core, we are committed to sustainability, community building, and environmental stewardship. We believe that by staying true to our mission and values, we can continue to grow our connection with nature and the earth. We strive to use sustainable practices in all aspects of our business operations, from sourcing materials responsibly to minimizing waste. We also actively engage in local initiatives that provide meaningful support for our communities and the environment. By staying rooted in our mission and values as we continue to grow, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.


Pure Mitti sources Ayurvedic ingredients from developing countries' farmers, not only staying true to its purity but also giving back to the farming community. This way we can offer our customers all-natural and sustainable products while making a positive impact on the lives of the farmers and their communities.

Our farm partners know that each plant has a life, and they respect that life by harvesting with care. They're paid fairly for their work, and in turn, they offer fairly traded products to us. It's a beautiful cycle of respect and fairness that benefits everyone involved.