Pure Living Conversation with Urban Gardener

☘Pure Living Conversations Episode2☘
Can leading a chemical free lifestyle erase the toxins from our life and help us lead happier, healthier lives? In this week's episode of Pure Living Conversations with Pure Mitti, we will be talking to Kavitha Ramakrishnan, the founder of The Magic Bean - an organization dedicated to environmental sustainability through urban organic gardens. Maybe this is the perfect time to start a summer project to turn your home into a sustainable place! Stay tuned to learn more about what we’ll be discussing and for details on the IG live
When: SAT May 30 10.30AM EST
Where: IGLive @puremitti - 




Who is Kavitha?

"Nature has its own ways of growing and sustaining. Whatever we take from nature, we have to give it back"- says Kavitha

Kavitha Ramakrishnan,  an urban gardener, a sustainability enthusiast has not shopped for detergents, washing powders, dish wash bars or liquids, toilet cleaning fluids, floor cleaners and the like for the last few years. Instead she makes her own.

Today, her rooftop garden grows a host of other seasonal vegetables with the compost she makes at home and practices permaculture, her home is solar powered and water is circulated through rain water harvesting.